Just Friends (**1/2)
This is a dumb movie that is more entertaining than it has any right to be thanks to spot-on comedic performances from Ryan Reynolds, Anna Faris, and Chris Marquette. When I saw this movie, I was in the mood for some light fun, and that's exactly what it is. Reynolds is like a younger Jim Carrey in his line delivery and absolutely destroys any fond memories one might have of 1995's "I Swear." I really enjoyed the brotherly moments between Reynolds and Marquette. They basically just slap each other around the whole time, and it gets funnier and funnier as the film progresses. Faris, who's always funny in the Scary Movies, steals every scene she's in as a Britney Spears-type pop star prone to hissing and songwriting. By the time the plot kicks in near the end, you may find yourself growing tired of the film's thin story, but up till then, it's a fun little flick. Definitely worth renting when it comes out on DVD.
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